Eksistensi Pengobatan Tradisional di Tellusiattinge
This study aims to find out what causes the people in Lamurukung Village to still believe in traditional medicine compared to modern medicine. To find out the views of modern medical practitioners related to traditional disease healing in Lamurukung Village, Tellusiattinge District, Bone Regency. written descriptively. Data collection techniques were carried out using the method of observation, interviews and documentation involving 16 (sixteen) individuals. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that: (1) the role of tau macca in Lamurukung Village had a large influence on public health in Lamurukung Village. Where do you know that Macca has been so trusted by the community to treat various kinds of diseases that exist in the community. In addition, traditional medicine performed by tau macca never asks for wages or fees to treat people who seek treatment for him. (2) Modern practitioners suggest that there is no problem with treatment at Macca as long as the treatment is not deviated and the traditional treatment is accompanied by medical treatment as well. The essence of the description above is that treating a doctor or a smart person is not a problem as long as the treatment done does not deviate from the norms of Religion, the values ​​of customs and medical treatment must be accompanied by modern medicine.
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