Sistem Bagi Hasil Pertanian: Antara Petani Dengan Pemodal di Anggeraja Enrekang
This study aims to find out: (1) knowing what factors cause people who have capital to become financiers financers in Salu Dewata Village, Anggeraja Subdistrict, Enrekang District, (2) knowing how the onion sharing system is done by farmers with investors in Salu Village Dewata of Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency. In this study used the type of qualitative research analyzed and written descriptively. Data collection techniques are carried out using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation by involving individuals as many as 6 (six) informants. Based on the results of the study show that: (1) the causes of people who have capital want to become financiers financers because they want to improve family welfare, family relationships with farmers and farmers really need capital assistance to improve the welfare of their families. Open jobs to farmers. (2) There are two profit sharing systems in Salu Dewata Village. The first is profit sharing by means of net profit divided by the capital owner and the cultivator. This sharing is where landowners are farmers and capital owners only provide their capital in the form of seeds, pesticides, and other operational costs. Second is the wage system by way of farmers being paid based on crop yields, there is no prior agreement (depending on the yield). For this profit sharing, where the landowner is also the owner of the capital, the farmer is only employed in the owner's garden.
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